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 Author  Alan Ruddell
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
 Last Updated  29 July 2020
 Status  Peer reviewed document
 Download Landscape  PDF 1 MB

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Table 8.1: EU Framework Programmes

The table below lists the most relevant EU Framework projects with UK participation. The projects are presented in order of project start date (most recent first).

Horizon 2020 funded projects may be searched using a range of filters. Filters used here were Collection - Projects; Domain - Energy; Programme H2020; Start Date – from 1-Jan-2015; Total Cost – from €1m; Organisation Country – UK. This is clearly a subset of relevant projects, some earlier Framework 7 projects with UK participation are also included.

The EC supports many projects that advance batteries technologies to benefit consumers and industries, providing Reports and Initiatives on Batteries. Following the launch of the European Battery Alliance in October 2017, additional calls for proposals on batteries were published to further boost development. Projects funded within the Horizon 2020 programme from a cross-cutting call for proposals from 2019 are listed here.

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Table 8.1: EU Framework Programmes

 Project  Objectives  Action Line  Type of Action  UK Participants  Co-ordinator and Partners  Total Funding  EU Funding  Duration  Annual Spend
New sustainable and recyclable catalytic materials for proton exchange membrane electrolysers
Water electrolysis is a key technology for storing excess renewable energy. The EU-funded RECYCALYSE project aims to break the bottlenecks that hold back the further development of proton exchange membrane electrolysers, namely the high capital costs and the use of critical raw materials. The project will develop new catalyst supports and replace critical raw materials in catalysis with earth-abundant elements such as nickel, manganese and copper. It will then devise a recycling scheme for the new catalysts, electrodes and overall electrolyser system. The sustainable development and management of materials could ultimately reduce EU imports and create a circular economy. H2020-EU.2.1.3.


Industrial Leadership
RIA - Research and Innovation action TWI Limited Denmark
(+10 partners)

€ 5.56m € 5.56m 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2023 €2m
Lithium Sulphur for Safe Road Electrification
The Lithium Sulphur for Safe Road Electrification (LISA) 43 month project starts on the 1st January 2019. It is worth over €7.9m and consists of 13 European partners including OXIS Energy UK Ltd. The overall goal is to design and manufacture lithium sulfur technology that will enable safe electrification for EV applications.                      HH2020-EU.2.1.3.


Industrial Leadership
RIA - Research and Innovation action OXIS Energy,

Cranfield University,

Optimat Ltd
(+12 partners)

€7.9m €7.9m Jan 2019
July 2022
E-MAGIC European Magnesium Interactive Battery Community Energy storage is a key technology to facilitate a widespread integraWith the growing use of intermittent energy sources in power grids, there is a growing mismatch between when energy is produced and when it is consumed. This has led to the need of energy storage or demand-response systems in order to use the energy in a balanced and efficient way. Given this context, the Micro Energy Storage (MES) systems are expected to seek radically new approaches to supply energy where it is needed. H2020-EU.1.2.2.

FET Proactive
RIA - Research and Innovation action University of Cambridge Spain
(+9 partners)
€ 6.73m € 6.73m 1 Jan 2019
31 Dec 2022
ZapGoCharger Rapid charging of cordless appliances using graphene-based supercapacitors Zap&Go has developed a fast charging solution to appliances, devices and vehicles. In contrast to Lithium-ion batteries, Zap&Go’s supercapacitors charge in 5 minutes or less and are safe to handle without fire risk.

In this Phase II project Zap&Go will develop 1) supercapacitor power modules and electronics specifically integrating with cordless tools such as cordless vacuum cleaners and power drills and 2) build trial units to conduct customer trials.




Industrial Leadership
SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2 ZapGo Ltd (no partners) €2.04m € 1.43m Feb 2017
Jan 2019
A unique Lead Acid Battery (LAB) recycling technology to reduce CO2 emissions by 89 , reduce waste by 81 , and transform the battery recycling industry
Aurelius Environmental Ltd has developed a novel hydrometallurgical process technology to recycle waste LABs in a highly energy efficient, non-polluting and cost effective way. NUOVOpb’s commercial appeal lies in its low cost and scalability, and our ground-breaking ability to produce LAB-ready products that exceed the performance of current products on the market. Our LAB-ready paste can create new LABs with 22 greater energy capacity and 50 longer life.

The technology has the potential to transform the global battery recycling industry, which has an expected value of €9.5 billion in 2024.

Societal Challenges


Industrial Leadership
SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2 Aurelius Environmental Ltd

(no partners)  
€1.86m €1.3m 1 Aug 2017
31 Jan 2019
Advanced Lithium Sulphur battery for xEV
ALISE is a pan European collaboration focused on the development and commercial scale-up of new materials and on the understanding of the electrochemical processes involved in the lithium sulphur technology. H2020-EU.

Industrial Leadership.

Materials development and transformation
RIA - Research and Innovation action OXIS Energy Limited,

Cranfield University,

Williams Advanced Engineering Limited
Acondicionamiento Tarrasense Associacion,
(+14 partners)
€6.8m €6.8m 1 June 2015
31 May 2019
high specific energy aluminium-ion rechargeable decentralized electricity generation sources  
The overall objective of the ALION project is to develop aluminium-ion battery technology for energy storage application in decentralised electricity generation sources. H2020-EU.

Industrial Leadership.

Materials for a sustainable, resource-efficient and low-emission industry
RIA - Research and Innovation action

Acondicionamiento Tarrasense Associacion,
(+11 partners)
€7.2m €7.2m 1 June 2015
31 May 2019
At the heart of a connected green society
The BATTERY 2030+ initiative will be based on a multi-disciplinary and cross-sectorial approach to bring in all the necessary skills for developing future European battery roadmap while addressing a wide range of strategic applications.

Three specific objectives have been defined: 1) BATTERY 2030+ roadmap establishment 2) Propose R&D actions and 3) Secure official stakeholder commitments.

FET Proactive
CSA - Coordination and support action Sweden
+ 16 partners
€499,456 €499,456 Mar 2019
Feb 2020
BATSTORM Battery-based energy storage roadmap The BATSTORM project supported the European Commission and the European Technology and Innovation Platform (ETIP) for SmartGrids and Storage in their progress to identify and support RTD&D needs and market uptake of battery based energy storage. The project produced five reports, including:
  1. 10-year roadmap for 2018-2027 and short-term prioritisation
  2. b)Technical analysis of on-going projects
Within the EU, six projects for stationary application were chosen for a detailed view, viz. ELSA; M5BAT; TILOS; InFluENCE; POWAIR; and SmartPowerFlow.
H2020 Supporting Action 2016
BRIDGE Cooperation group of Smart Grid, Energy Storage,

Islands and Digitalisation H2020 projects
BRIDGE is a European Commission initiative that unites smart grid and energy storage projects funded under Horizon 2020.

The group has published several reports. In 2018, the group published a Bridge battery report based on input from 15 projects involved in battery integration in the energy system, viz. CROSSBOW, EU-SYSFLEX, FLEXITRANSTORE, GRIDSOL, NETfficient, SMILE, TILOS, GOFLEX, INTEGRID, InterFlex, WiseGRID, ELSA, NOBEL GRID, STORY, and NAIADES.

In June 2020 the group published a report and project fact sheets that includes details of 64 projects including links to project websites.
H2020 Supporting Action 2014
ECLIPSE  European Consortium for Lithium-Sulfur Power for Space Environments This research action is aimed at developing Li-S technology for space applications, based on  Lithium-Sulfur chemistry developed by OXIS Energy. H2020-EU.2.1.6.

Industrial Leadership - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Space

Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine
+ 8 partners €999,953 €999,953 Dec 2015
Nov 2017  
INFLUENCE Interfaces of Fluid Electrodes: New Conceptual Explorations The INFLUENCE project aims to improve the fundamental understanding and control of interfaces of a battery type based on Li-ion and Na-ion active materials: semi solid flow batteries (SSFB). FP7-ENERGY Collaborative project (generic) Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine vito Vlaamse Instelling Voor Technologisch Onderzoek N.V. Belgium

+ 7 partners
€3.50m €2.58m Sept 2013
Aug 2016
HI-C Novel in situ and in operando techniques for characterization of interfaces in electrochemical storage systems The primary goals are to:
  1. Understand the important interfaces in an operating battery on an atomic and molecular scale.
  2. Characterize the formation and nature of interfaces in situ.
  3. Devise methods to control and design interface formation, stability and properties.
  4. Prepare ion-conducting membranes, mimetic of the polymeric part of the SEI, in order to study their mechanical and electrochemical properties.
FP7-ENERGY Collaborative project (generic) Uniscan Instruments Limited Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

+ 7 Partners
€6.319 €4.646 Sept 2013
Feb 2017
SIRBATT (Stable Interfaces for Rechargeable Batteries) SIRBATT is a collaborative project including 6 Universities, 1 Research Institute and 5 industrial partners. The organisations provide complementary expertise in experimental and theoretical studies of battery electrode interfaces.

SIRBATT will develop microsensors to monitor internal temperature and pressure of lithium cells in order to maintain optimum operating conditions to allow long-life times that can be scaled for use in grid scale batteries.
FP7-ENERGY Collaborative project (generic) The University of Liverpool

Johnson Matthey PLC
The University of Liverpool

+ 5 Universities, 1 research institute, and 5 industrial partners.
€4.4m €3.14m Sept 2013
Aug 2016

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